
This manual applies only to microsites that use organizations. A microsite administrator can appoint organization administrators who can review pending resources and decide to publish them, manage members, and add new members to the organization. A user can only be the administrator for one organization. An organization can have multiple organization administrators. 

Accessing Organization Admin

After a microsite administrator has appointed a microsite user to be an organization administrator, the organization administrator can access their organization from the dropdown menu for their profile.

Reviewing Pending Content

Organization admins can approve content submitted by their organization members. Organization admins can only approve content for their organization and cannot approve content submitted by other organizations. 

  1. On the Pending Content tab, you can review Pending resources for publication. Approved or Rejected records will not be shown. 

  2. Select the Title of the resource to review it. The resource should meet the quality guidelines that you have established for your microsite. 

  3. Select the green Accept button or the red Reject button. 

    1. Accept will publish the resource and make it visible to all users of the platform and send an automated “Your resource is published” email to the author of the content. 

    2. Reject will remove the resource from the microsite and from your Pending queue and send an automated “Your resource is rejected” email to the author of the content. The author can contest this decision by submitting a Help Center ticket which will be reviewed by the microsite administrator. 

Managing Members

Organization membership is determined manually by the microsite administrator or automatically if the microsite administrator is using Authorized Email Domains as a login service.

Viewing the Organization Member List

On the Manage Members > Current Members tab, an organization admin can review a table of users who belong to their organization, sort this table, and export the table as a .csv file.

Adding Organization Administrators

In the Manage Members > Current Members table, organization admins can appoint additional administrators for their organization. 

  1. Select the Edit icon for a user in the Current Members table. 

  2. For Role, select Administrator

  3. Select Save. 

Recruiting Members

Organization administrators can invite users to join your organization on the microsite. A user can only belong to one organization. (Skip this section if your microsite uses Authorized Email Domains to automatically place users in the appropriate organization(s) based on their email addresses.)

Searching for Members

Go to Manage Members > Recruit Members to search for existing user accounts on the microsite and add them to your organization. 

Emailing Invitations to the Organizations

Go to Manage Members > Recruit Members > Email Invite to Invite people from your institution to create an account on the microsite and join your organization. 

  1. Enter email addresses, separated by commas

  2. Add a personalized message to include in the email invitation. If you leave this blank, the standard invitation email will be sent. 

  3. Select Send.

Importing Members in Bulk with a .CSV File

Go to Manage Members > Recruit Members > Import .CSV to Invite many people from your institution to create an account on the microsite and join your organization. 

  1. Create and save a .csv file with all email addresses to import in one column. Don’t include any other columns of data. 

  2. Select Choose File and find the .csv  file you created. Select that .csv file. 

  3. Check the box for Dry run, then select Import. The dry run will validate the data in your file without sending any emails. 

    1. If you receive any errors, correct the issues in your .csv file, save and import as a dry run again. When you no longer get any errors, you are ready to upload your final file. 

  4. Upload your final file, don’t check the box for Dry run, and then select Import.