You have two options to add content to GoOpenUSVI: the Open Author tool or the Submit from Web tool. With Open Author, you can create and customize open educational resources to meet your needs and the needs of your learners. You can use Open Author to create resources with both instructor views and student views. This means that instructors can view the resource that is customized for instruction, and students can view the resource that is customized for their learning needs. 


When you create a resource in Open Author, you can include overviews and pedagogical supporting text for both instructors and students. The resource can consist of sequenced sections where you create a step-by-step approach to instruction and learning. Each section can have associated resources for download.

Get Started

  1. Log in and select Add OER at the top of your screen

  2. Under Open Author, select Create Resource. There are two steps to creating an educational resource in Open Author: Resource Details and Describe.

  3. For more information, including a short video of the Open Author process, select Learn more about creating OER.

Note: To create a resource, you must first create an account and be logged in to that account.


Enter Resource Details

In the Resource Details phase, enter a title, include attachments, and enter step-by-step sections.


  1. Enter a title for your resource.

  2. Upload an image from your computer or the internet to display as the opening image for the resource.

  3. Enter a section name for the first section of your resource.

  4. Enter Main Content. This is the main content of your lesson or resource, and is viewable by students if you choose to share it with your classroom.

  5. Select the Add Section Resource button to upload an attachment or link.

  6. Enter Instructor Notes. This optional feature can be used to annotate the main content or provide further instruction to other educators.

  7. Select Insert new sections as needed.  



Select Save, and then select Preview to review how the published resource will appear in Instructor View and Student View.


Add a co-author

While you are editing your resource, you can add or delete a co-author or co-authors. Co-authors must be registered users of the microsite, and only one person can edit the resource at a time. To add a co-author:

  1. In Edit mode, select View & Manage Authors in the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Select Add Author.

  3. Enter the co-author’s name and select Search. (If the Search button doesn’t work, hit Enter after you.)

  4. Select Add Co-Author.


Click Next in the top right corner to go to the next screen where you will describe your resource before submitting or publishing it.


To return to the Resource Details screen after you have submitted or published your resource, select Edit on the resource landing page.


Describe the Resource

Help others find your resource by choosing the appropriate options in each field.  Clicking inside each field will show you all the options. Required fields have an asterisk.


  1. For Overview, provide an overview of the topic.

  2. Select an option from the Conditions of Use menu to describe how you would like your work to be used. Each option has a detailed description. For more detail, refer to the Usage Rights article. 

  3. If desired, add a Preview Image. This is the thumbnail image that will show up in the search results page on the site.



  1. Complete the remaining required fields, and non-required fields if applicable. 

  2. The last thing before publishing is to acknowledge if you have the right to use and share all images, videos and other content inside this resource with the original creator's consent.

  3. Select Publish. If you are a trusted user (a member of a group or a hub), your resource is now searchable and sharable. Content to be published by other users will appear on your My Items page with the status Pending. Administrators will review your resource and publish it if it meets quality standards. You will receive an email to notify you that your resource has been approved and is now available on the site.