Stages to remixing a resource

There are three stages to remixing a resource: Edit, Describe, and Submit.

Describe and submit your remixed resource

After you have written your remixed resource, you are ready to describe it so that others can easily find it using the Search tool. The metadata from the original resource will be pre-populated in the describe step. You will want to update it as needed.

  1. Describe the changes you made to the resource in the Abstract field.
  2. Choose a Conditions of Use license. The Conditions of Use for the original resource is selected by default.
  3. Select the Subjects for your resource. You may choose more than one.
  4. Select Educational Levels. You may choose more than one.
  5. Select Material Types and Languages.
  6. Enter as many of the Additional Descriptions as you can to help users find your resource. 
  7. For Media formats, you can often choose Text/HTML.
  8. For Educational Standards, follow the prompts.
  9. When you enter Keywords, select Enter after each keyword. 
  10. Check the box for Acknowledgement of use permissions.
  11. Review your work, and then select Publish at the bottom of the page or in the top left of the page.

If you are a trusted user (a member of a hub or group), your remixed resource will be published immediately. If you are not a trusted user, your remixed resource will appear on your My Items page with the status Pending. Administrators will review your resource and publish it if it meets quality standards. You will receive an email to notify you that your resource has been approved and is now available on the site.

To review the editing process, go to Remix an Open Author Resource.