You can share and organize resources in a collaborative environment by creating groups.

  1. Log in in to Go OpenUSVI.

  2. Select Groups from the menu at the top of the page, and then select See all Groups.

  3. On the All Groups page, select Create a Group

  4. The Create a group tool will guide you through the process of naming and describing your group. 

    • Enter a name for your group, and select what type of group it is: General, Instructors, Students, or Administrators.

    • Select Next: Describe.

  • Enter the group’s Subject and Grade levels. This will help other users find and connect through your group. 

  • Select Next: Describe.


  • Enter the group’s description or purpose of the work. This description will appear at the top of your group page.

  • Select Next: Permissions.

  • Set permissions for who can join your group. Select Anyone Can Join or Need Approval. If you select Need Approval, users will request to join the group and you will be notified by email. You can choose to approve or deny their membership in your group. 

  • Select Next: Create My Group!

Now your group is created, and you are ready to add content and invite members. You can select Manage Group to edit your group's  description and information (including your group's image) at any time. The Help Center contains more articles on groups.