After you create an account on GoOpenUSVI, you can edit your profle and review your activity and timeline. 

Edit your profile

  1. Log in in to Go OpenUSVI.

  2. Select the people icon at the top of the page. (If you have already uploaded a profile photo, select that photo.)

  3. Select Profile information.

Update your profile information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Select a Role. Repeat the process to choose more than one role. 

  2. Select an educational Level. Repeat the process to choose more than one level.

  3. Select the Subjects that interest you.

  4. Enter a description about yourself in the About me field.

  5. Select Change Profile Image to upload a photo of yourself.

  6. Add your social media links from Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.

  7. Click Save.

View your user statistics

As you contribute to GoOpenUSVI, your activities will be documented in your profile. Depending on your account settings, you can allow others to view your activities.

  1. Select Member Statistics to view your User Activity and User Timeline.

  2. Select the circle icon to view your activity in a pie chart format. This member needs to get cracking!

  3. Select the stacked line icon to view your activity in a bar chart format.

  4. Review the User Timeline of activities to see all of your contributions to GoOpenUSVI.